
My Favorite Quote Anywhere on The Net

I came across it quite a while back, and was reminded of it while watching End of Suberbia this evening. It is one of my very favorite quotes of all time, it comes from the MinusCar Project blog (link in the sidebar)

"I believe people that think that the globe is warming because of human activity, specifically carbon emitting human activity, might be right. Because I think they might be right, I think humans need to change. And because I think humans need to change, I think I need to change."

hopefully, he and I are not the only ones who feel this way


Jennifer said...

Yeah -- it's like Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Snakebite said...

You are not the only ones. I know MinusCar (ride bike with him now and then) and feel the same way. I plan on selling my vehicle no later than this coming spring.

Jeff Moser said...

Sometimes I get discouraged because I wonder if I'm really making a difference with all my little changes.
I came across this quote the other day that gave me some inspiration...

"No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."
- Edmund Burke

westwind said...

Another great quote! As well as some much needed kind words from ya all. I get to feeling very alone and helpless, especially on weekends when the Boy is gone and I am puttering about with too much time to brood about the state of the world

Tuco said...

I was about to type "right on, sister," but somehow doubt it'd ring the same online as it does in my mind. Anyway, keep the faith, maybe somehow we'll win this battle.