
read The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering

As you may know, I basically never promote or endorse any products or consumer items on this blog, especially if they are not bike related. But there is a first time for everything

One of the few good things about having stayed up late chaparoneing that god-awful LAN party is that I was listening to NPR in the wee hours of the morning when a local author of an amazing little book was interviewed, and the book read on the air.

The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering, by Sharon Mehdi is a unique and inspirational story of how changing the world can start with the smallest, individual action. It has become a regional phenomenon, galvanizing readers with its hopeful message of small actions that can make the world a better place.

Mehdi wrote the story as a gift to her newborn granddaughter, she never expected it to be embraced so warmly in her home town in Souther Oregon. Sharing the story with friends, she discovered each one found it so powerful and moving that they, in turn, wanted to share it with the world. So the ripples went out,and now I want to share it with you

My message is even more simpl read it. I promise you will be glad you did

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