One advantage of being a --ahem-- older student is I dont get as bent outta shape about these things they way I used to. I am pissed off, but I also recognize that it is not the end of the world. I also recognize that my really sucky week does not make for good reading. So, instead, I offer this rather silly photo of my Miyata loaded down with --most notably-- an insane amout of strofoam (the kind that comes molded around computers and DVDs for shipping) for an art assigment at school. The bike is flanked by one of the many over-stuffed parking lots at school, filled to the brim with cars that, for the most part, bring single passengers --some of whome doubtless think they need to drive because they need to bring big bulky bags of things, in addition to their textbooks, school supplies, big red umbrella, and so on.

Very cool bike! Glad to see you recycling/reusing styrofoam, too. It's one of the hardest things to get rid of conscientiously around here.
now that's impressive.
Just a quick recommendation for you - check this site out:
The styrofoam was collected from Free Geek, who does recycle it (thank goodness!!) But they were thrilled att he idea of my making art out of it (tho my art instructor was not. grr. once again, like Maude, I am ahead of my time)
I got some amazing results woking with strofoam (hope to post photos soon), this could be a whole 'nother way of dealing with the stuff -after all, art is MENT to be eternal!
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